This site is edited by :


Société d'exercice libéral par actions simplifiée with a capital of 271,627 Euros
Registered office: 32 Rue de la pompe 75116 PARIS
Registered with the RCS PARIS under number 891 813 867


Thecontact details of the firm (hereinafter "the Firm") are:

Lawyers at the Paris Bar
32 rue de la Pompe, 75116 Paris, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 43 85 73 

Fax: +33 (0)1 83 71 96 51

The director of the publication of the Site is:

Mrs Chloé BELLOY

The site's hosting provider is:

OVH, headquartered at 2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix France - telephone 1007 or 09 74 53 13 23.
Web design: Sismika


By accessing and/or using this Website accessible at the address (hereinafter "the Site"), any user tacitly and unreservedly accepts these terms and conditions of use of the Site.

1. Intellectual Property

1.1. The Site and each of its components, and in particular the texts, articles, newsletters, brochures, plans, cloud of keywords, images, illustrations, photographs, databases, software (hereinafter the Intellectual Property Elements) are protected by intellectual property law.

1.2. The total or partial reproduction of the elements of intellectual property is prohibited.

1.3. The user is only authorised to represent the pages of the Site on his screen and is only authorised to reproduce the Intellectual Property Elements of the Site on a temporary basis for the sole purpose of consulting the Site.

1.4. The user is only authorised to download and reproduce in a durable manner, on any medium, the Firm's publications, and in particular the newsletters, accessible from the "publications" section of the Site, when such reproduction or representation is made for strictly personal, private and non-commercial purposes. The user shall refrain from communicating these publications to third parties, including by e-mail and by making them available from a website or server.

1.5. The user is authorised to make short quotations from the Site, provided that the following are clearly stated: the origin of the document (i.e. "extract from the site of BELLOY, Avocats au Barreau de Paris"), the title of the document quoted or the page quoted, the name of the author if known, the date of the document if known.

2. Use of the Site

2.1. All data, information and publications accessible, represented or downloadable from the Site are not exhaustive, are provided for information purposes only and may not under any circumstances be considered as constituting a legal opinion, canvassing, solicitation or offer of legal services.
2.2. The Law Firm shall in no event be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use by any user of the data, information or publications accessible or downloadable from the Site.
2.3. The Law Firm shall in no event be held liable for the content accessible from hypertext links published on the Site or files that can be downloaded from the Site or from sites accessible from hypertext links published on the Site.
2.4. The creation and publication of a hypertext link to one of the pages of the Site is authorized, subject to the prior and express consent of the Firm.

3. Cookies

BELLOY CABINET collects and stores certain information each time a User consults the Site. This information may be recorded in files called "Cookies" installed on the User's device.

A cookie is a computer file that does not directly identify the person concerned but stores on his/her computer and/or equipment information relating to the pages consulted, the dates and times of consultation, and information entered and retained to prevent later entry.

Browsing on the Site is likely to result in the installation of cookies on the equipment of the person concerned.

The cookies installed by BELLOY CABINET are intended to facilitate the navigation of Users on the Site, they allow :

Some cookies may also be issued by our partners for :

The issuance and use of third party cookies is governed by the provisions of their respective privacy policies.

The User may refuse the deposit of third party cookies on his device by making an appropriate setting in his browser according to the instructions proposed by the CNIL.

In the event that all cookies are set to refuse, the User is informed that he will not be able to make purchases on the site or take advantage of the essential functions of the Site.

The data relating to cookies of Internet users are kept for a period of 13 months from the date of their collection.

4. Personal data protection policy

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 amended by Law No. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018, we inform you that the processing of personal data collected from the website accessible at the address " " is implemented under the conditions of this privacy policy.

The BELLOY CABINET informs you that in the sense of the above-mentioned regulation :

4.1 Information on the processing of personal data

The processing of personal data carried out in the context of the website is based on the firm's legitimate interest in carrying out such activities.

BELLOY CABINET collects personal data either directly from Users, generally through registration forms, or indirectly during interactions with Users and/or Customers.

When personal data is collected directly from Users and/or Customers, mandatory information is indicated. This information is essential for the execution of the contract with BELLOY CABINET or to comply with a legal obligation. Failure to provide this information may prevent the registration and/or processing of a file.

The processing of personal data by BELLOY CABINET BELLOY is carried out for the following purposes and on the following legal basis:

PurposeLegal basisCategories of dataCategories of personsDuration
Prospecting and animationLegitimate interestIdentity/Civil Status Contact InformationProspective Clients3 years
Management of the relationship with customers and prospects Identity/Civil Status Contact information Personal/Professional LifeProspective ClientsLongest duration between: duration of the contractual relationship and a firm term of 3 years.
Organization, registration and invitation to the firm's events.Identity/Civil Status Contact information Personal/Professional LifeClients Prospects Guests3 years
Production, management, follow-up of its customers' files Execution of pre-contractual measures or the contractIdentity/Civil status Personal and/or professional life Economic and financial informationClientsDuration of the contractual relationship plus limitation periods.
Billing Identity/Civil status Economic and financial informationClients10 years from the closing date of the accounting year in which the invoice was issued.
CollectionIdentity/Civil status Economic and financial informationClientsUntil full payment of fees.
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the fight against corruption Compliance with legal and regulatory obligationsIdentity/Civil status, Personal and/or professional life Economic and financial informationClients5 years after the end of the contractual relationship with the firm.
Analysis of the ergonomics of the Site by means of cookies or similar technologies allowing the collection of information on the online browsing of Users, for example the type of browser, the country code corresponding to their location, the pages of the Site consulted, the pages on which the User has clicked or any pages searched for on the Site.
This data is statistical and anonymised, and does not allow a User to be identified.
Legitimate interestIdentity/Civil status Personal and/or professional life Economic and financial informationClients/ Prospects13 months after the User's consent

4.2. Recipients of personal data

The personal data of the Users and/or Customers are treated by BELLOY CABINET BELLOY confidentially and with the greatest care.

The BELLOY CABINET shares them only with :

It is reminded that all exchanges between clients and their lawyer are strictly covered by professional secrecy.

4.3. Location and retention period of personal data

BELLOY CABINET keeps all personal data of Users and/or Customers on the territory of the European Union. Some of this data may be transferred and stored outside the European Union by service providers engaged by BELLOY CABINET under the conditions of the Article - Recipients of personal data. BELLOY CABINET undertakes to do its utmost to ensure that these service providers adopt the relevant organisational and technical measures and is based on the adequacy decision of the "Privacy Shield" Commission if they are located in the United States.

BELLOY CABINET will only keep personal data for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected.

The data are kept:

4.4. Users' rights

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended and the general regulations on data protection, you have the right to access, query, limit, delete, modify and rectify information concerning you. You also have a right to object to the processing of your personal data, as well as a right to object to the use of this data for commercial prospecting purposes. Finally, you have the right to define general and specific directives defining the manner in which you intend to exercise these rights after your death.

You can exercise these rights by sending an email to the following address: or by post to Chloé BELLOY, 32 rue de la Pompe, 75116 PARIS accompanied by a copy of a signed identity document.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, the supervisory authority responsible for ensuring compliance with personal data protection obligations.

4.4. Any third party that processes the customer's personal data on behalf of the controller becomes the data processor. The services of the processor are indispensable for the execution of the purchase contract and the processing of the order placed by the customer on behalf of the data controller. 

Subcontractors of the controller are :

4.5. Data security

The data controller declares that it has put in place all the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure that the use of personal data respects the privacy of the data subjects.

The data controller has put in place all the technical measures necessary to guarantee the security of the data he has collected, in particular securing access to his computer with a password, using antivirus software and carrying out periodic computer maintenance.

5. Consumer Ombudsman for the legal profession

The consumer customer is informed of the possibility of resorting, in the event of a dispute relating to these general conditions, to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative means of dispute resolution.

To this end, the consumer client is informed that he may, after having first attempted to resolve the dispute amicably directly with the firm, refer the matter to the Consumer Ombudsman of the legal profession - 180 boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris.

For more information on the mediation process, the consumer client is invited to consult the website of the consumer mediator of the legal profession: https: //

In particular, the Ombudsman can be contacted by e-mail at the following address:, by post at the above-mentioned address or by filling in the online form available at the following address: https: //

The consumer customer is informed that disputes may not be submitted to the mediator if the request is manifestly unfounded or abusive, or has been previously examined or is being examined by another mediator or by a court. The same shall apply if the consumer client has submitted his application to the mediator within more than one year from the date of his written complaint to the firm, or if the dispute does not fall within the mediator's field of competence, or if the consumer does not justify having previously attempted to resolve his dispute directly with the firm by means of a written complaint.

The firm also informs the consumer client of the existence of an Online Dispute Resolution ("ODR") platform to which he or she may have recourse. The user can access it through the following link: http: //

6. Applicable law

French law is applicable to this site.

7. Modification

Chloé BELLOY reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice at any time and without notice.

The user is therefore invited to consult it regularly.